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Thursday, May 3, 2012

Advice for my daughter

Subbing has its ups and downs, certainly. But today's class went great. I gave a presentation on China and we discussed education and poverty. And the students asked questions! What more can a future teacher desire? :)

After class I started thinking, as I walked through Uppsala and enjoyed the sunny day. I gave the students some advice, that they should work very hard to learn English well and that they should also study Chinese in the future. But then I started thinking about other things I would like to tell them. And soon, in my mind, my thoughts were transformed, and I caught myself thinking about what advice I want to give Yaminah, our 2-year-old, when she is older, and a lot of it applies to future students as well. Here are those random thoughts, unplugged, unedited.

Advice for my daughter

Think big; dream big. Be kind to yourself and be kind to others. Recycle, because we need to keep the earth beautiful for our grandchildren and their grandchildren. Smile at little children and strive to be the first person to stand when the bus is crowded or an elderly person comes on. Donate to a cause you find meaningful; giving is an important preventative measure against greed, which can lead to indifference. Travel, as much as you are able. Seeing the world first-hand is the best way to feel like a brother or sister to other people in the world. Nobody is perfect, but everyone can strive to consistently improve themselves. Never stop learning. And then don't forget to pray, because we are not in this alone.

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