- There is a little boy that is dying from a rare disease in Sweden, and it has touched my heart. He needs a bone marrow donor to have a chance of surviving. I was trying to advocate the cause and one of Sweden's papers was interested in the story. "En dröm att hjälpa Hugo..." http://www.expressen.se/kvp/rachel-en-drom-att-hjalpa-hugo/
- Article about going to China with interview and photos: http://kina.e455.se/art/magasinet.pdf
- Here is an article I wrote about Bibles in China, for Svenska Bibelsällskapet: http://kina.e455.se/art/bv.pdf
- As you can read about in "3 Years in China," together with our American colleagues in Chengxian, China, we helped create a reading room for the students called the Book Nook. Here is an article about this, written in Chinese: http://www.lntc.edu.cn/xzdw/kywsc/E_ReadNews.asp?NewsID=150
- Here is an article about us after we returned to Sweden after our time in China: http://www.svenskakyrkan.se/default.aspx?id=628356 and here it is in another format: http://www.mypaper.se/show/kyrkanstidning/show.asp?pid=345229609865484&page=2
- This is information about us coming to talk about our China experience at a church in Hofors, Sweden: http://www.svenskakyrkan.se/default.aspx?id=655153
- In China, we were in the massive earthquake in May, 2008. Many newspapers in both Sweden and the US wrote about our experience (which you can also read about under "3 Years in China" in our letters). http://www.svd.se/nyheter/utrikes/svenskt-lararpar-sprang-for-livet_1251257.svd
- Earthquake article from Dalarna: http://www.dt.se/nyheter/dalarna/1.3466932-dalapar-nara-krossas-i-jordbavningen?m=print
- "Hela huset började skaka..." Expressen after the earthquake: http://www.expressen.se/nyheter/hela-huset-borjade-skaka/
- Another earthquake follow-up article; this one by Expressen: http://www.expressen.se/nyheter/svenskar-i-kina-far-inte-atervanda-hem/